Perfect Excuses for New Lingerie

Perfect excuses for new lingerie

Honestly, I think every day should be an occasion for new lingerie, but seeing as lingerie really needs no occasion (though it compliments one well!), here are a few perfect excuses to add something new to your top drawer.

Let’s start with the not-so-obvious:

The Season of Summer

Oh glorious, summer. Her warm weather just begs for a brand new, breathable bralette to spice up your wardrobe. A lacy bralette is the perfect, sneaky addition to add a little flair and comfort. Perhaps your 4th of July outfit or your trip to the beach?

Vacation Wardrobe

So you’re finally going to Europe, or you’re simply having a take-it-easy staycation? This is the perfect excuse to go out and get some more sheer items. We always remember to buy a new outfit for occasions like this, but the lingerie drawer seems to always be forgotten!

Just Because

This is my favorite occasion for cute new lingerie. Why do we have to wait until ‘the date’ of this or that to get something delicate for yourself or your spouse? Be spontaneous. Be romantic. Be thoughtful. Treat yourself just because. It’s the best reason

New Year, New Lingerie!

The New Year is a call for new everything, and that includes lingerie. Plus, when the year changes, it’s an easy reminder that perhaps your lingerie drawer needs some updating. I bet you haven’t seen that on your typical New Year’s resolutions lists!

Birthday - Yours, or Your Spouse’s

Whether it’s your birthday or your spouse’s birthday, a new lingerie set can be a fun, cheeky surprise.

New Season, New Top Drawer

As the seasons change, your lacy underthings can too! Switch out your light, bright summer colors for faded, creamy fall colors, and so on. This can help your lingerie feel fresh as the seasons come and go.

Here are the obvious excuses you were already thinking of:

Wedding & Honeymoon

You’re getting married and going on the trip of your lifetime with your lover. Well, honey, don’t forget the lingerie! It’ll help make those intimate moments that much more special with a darling new lace set. Perhaps one that matches your white dress?

An Anniversary is Around the Corner

Often times, spouses exchange gifts on their anniversaries or go on tender trips together. At the end of the day, a brand new set of lingerie can be a perfect surprise.

You know you were already aching for some new lingerie, and now you’ve likely got the perfect excuse to buy yourself a cute little lacy set or intricate bralette. You’re welcome! 😘

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